Priority Software V23.1 New Reporting Features
Date: October 8th 2023
We are proud to announce Priority Analytics - a new, intuitive, and easy way to create reports. Using new, innovative technology, now all users can build reports that include combined data from different modules and areas in Priority, helping you analyze and evaluate information, so you can make data-driven decisions.
Automating Reports and Procedures
Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Date: Wednesday, 15th September 2021
Learn how to use the standard system functionality to send reports:
Based on a schedule
Based on the Business Process Modelling
Based on user actions in the system.
Ensure that processes are run when they should be to make sure your data is up to date and accurate.
Improving your Documentation
Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Date: Wednesday, 21st July 2021
This month's webinar will focus on improving documentation sent from priority. We will show how you can:
Design documents
Create your own in word using word templates,
Design automatic letters for customers.
Tweak reports to suit your business needs.
BI and Executive Reporting and KPI's in Priority
Learn about how you can use the inbuilt Priority tools to analyse your business in detail.
See how the Business Intelligence module and Executive Reports can show you the peaks and troughs in your business.
Analyse trends, and easily view the data behind that high level information.
See how KPI tools can help you ensure your business is performing as it should.
Word Document Generators in Priority
A session which details how to change your documents so that they can be created by you using Microsoft Word
Use standard priority tools to create pleasing documents to send to your customers and suppliers.
See how you can use containers to display text based on conditions which you define.